source: James N. Toner, PhD (2002). The good life, God's way: An introduction to the good life for Catholics. New Haven, CT: Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, pp. 12-14. (headings & caps mine)
-- [< Latin: con = with + scientia = knowledge] = with knowledge
-- "Conscience is not a mere FEELING, and still less is is a PRIVATE PREFERENCE: conscience is a power for knowing right from wrong in our particular circumstances. It works through SOUND RULES and REASONING" (p. 12).
-- It " 'cannot come to us from the ruling of SOCIETY; otherwise it would never reprove us when society approves us, nor console us when society condemns' " [Fulton J. Sheen (1950). Lift up your heart. NY: McGraw-Hill). (Ibid., p. 12.)
--" 'When he listens to his conscience, the PRUDENT man can hear God speaking.' " [Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994) par 1777). (Ibid., p. 13.)
-- The prudent man's question: "What is the will of God in this case?" (p. 13)
> Differential
-- The "IMPRUDENT" man follows the school of "SITUATIONAL ETHICS" who asks the question: "What do CIRCUMSTANCES right here and now tell me to do?" (p. 13)
-- Thus, it DEPENDS on: the current state of affairs or surroundings, or upon what's in it for me, or upon my urges and appetites (see 2 Cor 1o:12)....
"Situationalism is very interested in SELF-INDULGENCE, in 'SELF-ESTEEM,' and in PERSONAL PLEASURES (cf. Is 5:20)...." (p 12)
-- "Situationalists, in their 'wisdom' (cf. 1 Cor 1:25; 3:19) do not want to make COMMITMENTS to anything ABSOLUTE, since circumstances can CHANGE.
Ex: One's attraction to one's spouse may diminish, so why be 'stuck' in a MARRIAGE? Why should any commitment, any VOW, be seen as PERMANENT? DEVOTION is not only 'OLD FASHIONED,' situationalists argue, but remakabley INCONVENIENT. (p 12)
> Conclusion
"...Frank Sinatra made popular a song which exalted one's own skin as the highest standard of moral appeal. 'I did it [12/13] my way!'
In contrast, Catholics are called to do it -- that is, to live life -- GOD'S WAY. This way isn't just a batch of rules. It is one way we can be really, deeply HAPPY. It is the way to flourishing according to our nature and God's design.
God's way is THE way of life." (pp. 12-13).