Monday, October 5, 2020

the one thing necessary (luke 10:38-42)

source: fr dante barril, svd (2019). commentary on the above gospel of tuesday, 27th week in ordinary time

Lk 10:42 "Mary has chosen the BETTER PART and it will not be taken from her."

"...when Jesus said MANY things, he most probably was not only referring to the menus and other kitchen stuff (these would hardly qualify as 'many things'). 

Rather, Jesus' reference to MANY THINGS could be Martha's countless LIFE CONCERNS. expression of a friend's love and concern. An INVITATION for her to come to Him, to sit down and talk about things 'over a cup of coffee.'"


Monday, June 15, 2020

informed conscience

source: James N. Toner, PhD (2002). The good life, God's way: An introduction to the good life for Catholics. New Haven, CT: Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, pp. 12-14. (headings & caps mine)


-- [< Latin: con = with + scientia = knowledge] = with knowledge

-- "Conscience is not a mere FEELING, and still less is is a PRIVATE PREFERENCE: conscience is a power for knowing right from wrong in our particular circumstances. It works through SOUND RULES and REASONING" (p. 12).

-- It " 'cannot come to us from the ruling of SOCIETY; otherwise it would never reprove us when society approves us, nor console us when society condemns' " [Fulton J. Sheen (1950). Lift up your heart. NY: McGraw-Hill). (Ibid., p. 12.)

--" 'When he listens to his conscience, the PRUDENT man can hear God speaking.' " [Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994) par 1777). (Ibid., p. 13.)

-- The prudent man's question: "What is the will of God in this case?" (p. 13)

> Differential

-- The "IMPRUDENT" man follows the school of "SITUATIONAL ETHICS" who asks the question: "What do CIRCUMSTANCES right here and now tell me to do?" (p. 13)

-- Thus, it DEPENDS on: the current state of affairs or surroundings, or upon what's in it for me, or upon my urges and appetites (see 2 Cor 1o:12).... 
"Situationalism is very interested in SELF-INDULGENCE, in 'SELF-ESTEEM,' and in PERSONAL PLEASURES (cf. Is 5:20)...." (p 12)

-- "Situationalists, in their 'wisdom' (cf. 1 Cor 1:25; 3:19) do not want to make COMMITMENTS to anything ABSOLUTE, since circumstances can CHANGE.
Ex: One's attraction to one's spouse may diminish, so why be 'stuck' in a MARRIAGE? Why should any commitment, any VOW, be seen as PERMANENT? DEVOTION is not only 'OLD FASHIONED,' situationalists argue, but remakabley INCONVENIENT. (p 12)

> Conclusion 

"...Frank Sinatra made popular a song which exalted one's own skin as the highest standard of moral appeal. 'I did it [12/13] my way!' 

In contrast, Catholics are called to do it -- that is, to live life -- GOD'S WAY. This way isn't just a batch of rules. It is one way we can be really, deeply HAPPY. It is the way to flourishing according to our nature and God's design. 

God's way is THE way of life." (pp. 12-13). 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

12 things to always remember

fr: lessons taught by life (pinterest)

1. The past can't be changed.
2. Opinions don't define your reality.
3. Everyone's journey is different.
4. Judgements are not about you.
5. Overthinking will lead to sadness.
6. Happiness is found within.
7. Your thoughts affect your mood.
8. Smiles are contagious.
9. Kindness is free.
10. It's okay to let go and move on.
11. What goes around, comes around.
12. Things always get better with time.

Monday, November 6, 2017

total trust: a story

source: fr. raul caga, svd (2016), the Word in other word: bible diary 2017. manila: logos publications.

"A young man who had been raised as an atheist was training to be an Olympic diver. The only religious influence in his life came from his outspoken Christian friend, whose sermons the diver never really paid much attention to but simply heard them often.

One bright night the diver went to the indoor pool at the college he attended. He climbed up to the highest diving board and as he turned his back to the pool on the edge of the board and extended his arms out, he saw the cross-shaped shadow of his body on the wall. Feeling as if someone was speaking to him, he knelt down, instead of diving, and finally asked God to come into his life. As he stood up, a maintenance man waked in and turned the lights on. The pool had been drained for repairs."

Sunday, April 16, 2017

"ex opere operato" principle: the preeminence of Christ in the sacraments

about a week ago, i accidentally met and had a discussion with my friend, former classmate in the novitiate in the SVD, mike asis, phd theology, who is current chair of the dept of theo at ateneo at christ the king seminary where we grew up! re: infant baptism & the historical evolution of the worship of the blessed sacrament & the eucharist. being a lay theologian, i allowed for his "theologizing", but already in midlife and having had years of life experience about my own faith and spirituality, i just generally stuck to what he called my "conservative" views.

in the process of the discussion, i spontaneously quoted "ex opere operato" (without the technical knowledge about it!:-), appearing as though i knew what i was talking about. 

i first heard about this from fr. mike padua, svd, long-time rector of christ the king mission seminary & my rector-kababayan during my high school years there, when he taught us (by choice so that he would get to know us better daw) religion class in i think HS IV or III or both.

anyway, here's my summary of my research just now from wikipedia:

(a) Sacraments

as far as the sacraments are concerned, it is christ who is the primary author and presider. thus, "ex opere operato christi" is the operant principle. 

"... while PROPER DISPOSITION (caps mine) [openness] {subject} is NECESSARY to exercise the efficacious grace in the sacraments, it is NOT THE CAUSE of the sufficient grace. catholic christians believe that what god offers is in the sacraments is a GIFT, freely bestowed out of god's own love {object}. a person's disposition, as good as it may be, DOES NOT automatically bring god's blessing."

NB: historically, this argument arose between the donatists and cacelian, who was ordained by three bishops, one of which was claimed by the donatists to be unworthy because he was a "traitor." caecilian & followers replied: "the VALIDITY of the sacraments and of other such acts cannot be made to DEPEND on the worthiness of the one administering them, for in that case all christians would be in constant doubt regarding the validity of their own baptism or of the co munion of which they had partaken" (gonzalez, 2010, the story of christianity, vol. 1, p. 175).

b) sacramentals

but as far as sacramentals are concerned, the operant principle is "ex opere oprantis (Eclesiae & Christi)"

"... operate ex opere oprantis Eclesiae (i.e., from the work of the working Church) as well as ex opere oprantis (i.e., from the work of the working one, Christ).

... their efficacy is derived from the prayer and good works of the Chruch {subjects} as well as the disposition of the one making use of the sacramentals {subject}...."

MV: "Sacramentals DISPOSE the soul to receive grace and MAY REMIT VENIAL SIN when used prayerfully."

Saturday, February 25, 2017

"malignant narcissism" (scott peck)

Fr: People of the lie, as cited by Abesamis, T. S. (2017 feb 22) in Business World (Opinion section),
Re: Personality Traits of Malignant Narcissists

1. centered on self
2. incapable of accepting blame for wrongdoing
3. incapable of empathy
4. tend to blame others for their "sins" ("scapegoating")
5. tend to be vengeful and greedy
6. HABITUAL LYING, even to self
7. skillful at projecting an illusion of caring about others,
even if love for constituents and neighbors

E.g., Erap, Gloria, D30, Trump

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

on obedience & hard-headedness

Isaiah 45

[9] " 'Woe to the one who quarrels with his maker -- an earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth! Will the clay say to the potter, 'What are you doing?' Or the thing you are making say, 'He has no hands?'

[10] 'Woe to him who says to a father, 'What are you begetting?' Or to a woman, 'To what are you giving birth?' "